When your free invoice is complete, you can easily insert a mail merge field into your Word or Excel document, (depending on which bill template you are using) and mail it to your customer. Ensure that the formulae within the service invoice template are correct (for Excel-formatted templates only).Double-check the accuracy of your base values after entry.Present the information on the bill template as clearly as possible.To ensure your service invoice builds/maintains the trust and confidence of your clients, follow these simple rules: If you provided highly specialized services that require more details than you have room for in the itemized billing box, you may use this section to expand on what is already listed there. Examples may include due date, explanation of extra charges, payment terms, available method(s) of payment, who to make checks payable to, etc.

Comments or Special Instructions: Use this section to include any important information that does not fit in other areas of your itemized invoice. The tax amount is entered and added to the subtotal to arrive at a grand total, which appears on the last line of the table. Any applicable taxes are calculated by multiplying the subtotal by the tax rate.

Toward the bottom of the table, the row-by-row charges are summed up and entered as a subtotal. These details are laid out in row-and-column format. A description of the service(s) provided.The itemized invoice box may include information like: Within this box, you can itemize your services in a way that is easy for customers to understand what they are being billed for. Itemized Billing Box: The most important part of the service invoice template is the chart-like table or box in the center.

This is a particularly useful idea for businesses that frequently create itemized invoices for repeat customers.

You may also want to create a unique customer account or identification number. Bill To: This section goes below the company details and typically includes the name, address, phone number and email address of the customer. You can start at 0001, or if you want to appear like you’ve been in business for a while, you may choose to start with a larger number like 36245. The numbering system you use for your invoices is up to you. Invoice Number and Date: Adjacent to the company details, you may choose to include a unique invoice number and billing date. You may also want to insert your company logo above this information if you have one. Service Bill Template FormatThe following information should be included within a basic service invoice template: Company Details: Start with your name (or the name of your company), billing address, phone number, fax number, and email address toward the top of the page.